Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Looks like it is the time to spur one another on, to aim for the goal. The trouble is pushing one's self to take on the responsibdility, to let go of the fear of making a mess.

This morning, my hubby tells me "You need to discipline the boy yourself and not use others to hide behind. Don't tell him daddy says so when you mean mummy says so. Don't tell him kong kong will scold him, when you need to scold him, and mean it." So Barney went to school today after a long break fri to tue, tears, screaming grabbing my blouse at the school doorway as the principal takes him from my arms. But when i went to fetch him it was a whole different picture. He saw me, called out "Mammy!" and ran into my arms, having had a good day dancing, playing in the gym and i'm told having a long chat with the auntie in the kitchen. With all smiles he tells me school was "good" and at lunch he says "pasta nice" and rattles words like "table" "longan" "grapes".

Again i'm reminded to take on the mantle as a leader for the choir. It was easier staying quiet and letting others lead. But apparently the time has come for me to spur the choir on, take charge of the discipline, and push them toward the goal. The vision for choir is to be the light of the world. That's why we've been singing "Give me oil for my lamp", "carry the light","the mind of christ" "the servant song" and "you(Jesus) are the light".
I just hope God gives me to boldness to tell them.

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