Saturday, September 12, 2009

How do you love your fellow man?

I remember asking the question about 2 and half years ago:) and i remember when i got pregnant it was part of the answer to the question. God's sense of humour gets you at gut level. Loving a little man was a strange and new phenomena. You had to feed him, see if he had enough to eat, drink, see if he had enough brain stimulation, play with enough toys, read enough books, learn enough ABCs, revised enough old books, toys, ideas, develop some etc, then have enough to take a nap. whew.

So it is with people i guess. The choir has been energised by a kind friend who has helped to inspire, cajole, teach with the most wonderful sense of humour and i can only sit and sing with wonder and awe as she whips, polishes, extends, opens the gut, throat, then anchors the the butt and hones the sound in samurai slashes and swoops. Such that i feel humbled to even try to imitate. Still i have promised to try.

Breathe. Start with little steps.
Today's sermon be gentle, encouraging...
Thank God He loves me, just pray i can transmit His love to my fellow man.

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