Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Listening beyond words

Tim was away to see to his project on micro enterprises. Barney asked for daddy everyday until he could answer his grandma. "Daddy work. Take airplane." During this time, he clung more tightly and slept closer to me, with one leg over my leg. I sms his daddy every chance i got and got a response almost immediately each time.

Tim had arranged for us to meet grandpa on sat for dinner. So after Barney's afternoon nap, we packed up and went over. Waiting outside, pressing the buzzer, there was no one at home, so i called grandpa. He was over at shangri-la, he said come over and get the key, open the house and just leave the key and go when you are done. I thought since we made the trip to have dinner with grandpa, we might as well stay for dinner. So I valet parked (as the car park was full), and trooped us down to the cafe for an a la carte meal. Baby enjoyed the food and ate a lot so dinner went well. The chef made beautiful cakes; so i know where to get Barney his 2 yr old birthday cake. Do i eat at hotels often? The last time was last christmas when tim's exboss was in town. We got to meet the extended family after dinner.

My mother stayed at my place while Tim was away. She took baby to church while I rushed to choir. She was beginning her depression cycle, due to dad cutting her allowance. So on Monday, we dropped baby in school and we went for breakfast at kopi-tiam and then to the hair shop for a wash and blow and massage( a new service the shop added to lure customers to come again). The hair dresser told me you need a touch up for your colour, and your natural curls are coming up, and tonic is good for hair fall. I stuck to my wash and blow though i did get some shampoo and hair revitaliser.

Barney's cousins came to play with him on monday evening. He pulled his boat while Mischa filled the boat up with cars. Then they did colouring. Mischa drew some pretty flowers but Barney coloured over them. Barney showed how he could bounce the ball, throw and kick it and Mischa did vice versa. Then Matty came and rushed Barney over to sit in the big chair and read a book with him.

We went to Jumbo seafood for dinner because it was my older brother's birthday. Barney ate a lot which pleased everyone, except Mischa who could not stomach much of the oily deep fried dishes as she was starting a cold and cough. I signed thinking my older brother had agreed to take care of the maid while we were on holiday, and he likes chilli crab.

Tim arrived home this morning. Barney knew the sound of his shuffling keys outside the door and yelled "Daddy daddy!" Then he refused to let Tim out of his sight, insisting daddy carry him even to the shower if he was going there. So we brought him out for some won ton mee breakfast and drove down to AA to get an international licence.

The maid strangely only fed baby soup for lunch and said he ate a lot for dinner yesterday so i insisted that she add some rice in the soup and cut a pear and wash grapes for the boy. Daddy and baby are now having their afternoon nap.

I read my email and notice that the choir administrator had ignored my request to conduct one original piece "The river of life" and has offered 2nd choice to the next best conductor. I remember the time when i listened to every small voice suggestion to do good and I remember at the end of my efforts when I had done all, a river of refreshing water gushed from the bottom of my gutts and flowed out my eyes, nose mouth and head. So i close my eyes and the small voice tells me to give more to all.

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