Wednesday, October 7, 2009

face lift vs heart transfusion result mind transformation

Barney's daddy gave him a hair cut yesterday, the result was horrendous because it looked similar to a parang cut lawn with large holes all over. We agreed to take him to the professional kiddy barber immediately to remedy the situation. Luckily the barber managed to salvage Barney's hair trimmed down to a crew-cut, save the hole on the left of his forehead. Barney went to school today and the teachers didn't recognise him. My baby..i wanted to cry.
So we agreed that he will go to the barber from now on.

The choir is morphing into a new creature. Besides purifying the sound and strenthening it, the new director has read the parable of the sower to the group, hoping that we will take it and somehow God will allow us to be fruitful 30, 50 or 100 fold. So i looked into my email and i see more members being deployed to take on more responsibilities. I make an attempt to make some decisions but i am advised to just follow the directions given by others. Let's combine carolling with the youth as the group is rather small at christmas time due to holiday plans. Then we can try out the buddy system. Overuled by the cell groups are being deployed to do carolling at homes, so if numbers are small, they will combine with other cell groups. Let's not give christmas presents to each other, instead let's do a collection and contribute the sum to cambodian children in need of school fees. Overuled by it has already been decided we give to a charity sponsoring one table for the poor this year. So what you might consider is an outreach to Cambodia next year, members can do this together and bond, meet the children personally and be moved then to give directly. Let's give guru a love offering for teaching us, i think there is no pay in dec cos the schools are closed. The advice is you must go through the proper channels, write an email to state amount and reason. I say it's better I give personally.

Tim's leaving for India tomorrow morning. I feel how Barney feels when he's put in school.

It has started to rain outside. The thunder rumbles. The shower of rain hisses down. Another loud clap and lightning follows. A cool breeze ensues. I want to cry but my heart hurts.

I do my quiet time and God tells me I am part of this community and many would like the lime light to lead but there is also space for people to do the smaller supportive things, and some times it is better to give people your love personally rather then throw money at the problem. Tim also has a night flight instead of morning so we get to spend breakfast together and fetch baby together and do the supermarket shopping together. Baby did not sleep in the afternoon so he was really tired and fell asleep while sending daddy to the airport. This allowed me to go for a stimulating mind challenging talk. God is good:)

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