Saturday, March 17, 2012

Teacher scrutiny

It's so easy to find fault with people, systems; almost blaze to give advise. Then the scrutiny on your own life as a teacher...did i do anything to contribute, are the ideas shortlived and not have any root? Ah the struggle to do the right thing and make it last.

How do you disciple someone? The challenge laid down when the helper comes into your home with no experience in looking after a young child and our family. So I make the attempt to be patient, setting the household chores, teaching every action from the cup of tea, the cooking, mopping behind the furniture to the ironing. I repeat the teaching as i do with my tuition kids who didn't practice during the week; how do you practise the task step by step.

People have flaws. So they will mess up and we have to continue to hope, continue to pray cos only God can change them, only He has the wisdom to help us change.

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